Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
5 Things, Democrats...
Memo To: President Obama and the Democratic Party LeadershipFrom: Michael MooreSubject: 5 Things Dems Can Do to Turn It Around by November 2nd1. Immediate Wall-to-Wall TV Ads, Internet Videos, and Appearances Hammering Who the Hell Put Us in the Misery We're In.
We Americans have very short attention spans (Quick: Who Won the Oscar for Best Picture last year? The World Series? Exactly.). People need to be reminded over and over that it was the REPUBLICANS who concocted and led the unnecessary invasion of two countries, putting us in our longest war ever, wars that will eventually cost us over $3 trillion. Bush and Co. also caused the biggest collapse of our economy since the Great Depression. I don't know a single person in Hollywood who wouldn't shoot and produce those spots for you for FREE. Dems: Do not pull a single punch on this. Quit being a bunch of wusses and let the bastards have it! The public will be astonished that you've found your courage and your spine. We expect you to be Muhammad Ali, not Ally McBeal.2. Indict the Criminals.
Announce that the Justice Department will seek indictments against both those who caused the economic collapse and those who became war profiteers. Call it for what it is: organized crime. Use the RICO statutes. Use the basic laws that make fraud of any kind a crime. Get in the face of those who stole the billions, make them pay for it -- and the people will love you. We want Dirty Harry, not Dirty Dancing.3. Announce a Moratorium on All Family Home Foreclosures.
Last month (August) there were more home foreclosures than in any month in U.S. history. Worse than any month in the worst year ever, 2009. The bleeding hasn't stopped -- it's only gotten worse. And now, this week, two of the largest crime organizations who are throwing hundreds of thousands of people out of their homes (GMAC and JPMorgan Chase) have been forced to momentarily stop doing this. It turns out, they don't really have the paperwork to prove they actually own these houses! It's madness. So if you do one thing for the middle class this week, do this. It will take an hour of your time to draw up the decree and issue it. We'd rather watch "It's a Wonderful Life" than "Poltergeist."4. Announce a New 21st Century WPA.
"Who's hiring? THE GOVERNMENT IS HIRING!" Put together a simple plan to hire enough people to repair our roads, fix up our aging schools, and rebuild our infrastructure. Fund this by taxing the richest 1% who have more financial wealth than 95% of Americans combined! Unemployment will drop to 5%. Can you pass it? Well, you sure can't unless you try! And as you're trying, announce that you will force the Republican senators (who until now simply have had to say they "intended" to filibuster in order to kill a bill) to have to actually filibuster! Make them stand on the floor of the Senate and read from the phone book 24/7. They won't last a day. And America will see them for who they really are.5. Declare That No Democrat Will Accept ANY Wall Street Money in the Next Election Cycle.
Pick a day in the coming week. Have all your fellow Democrats in Congress stand in front of the Capitol (with President Obama) and pledge that if America allows you to retain control of Congress, none of you will take a penny from Wall Street for the 2012 election. Instead, promise to accept donations of only $2, $5 and $10. You will also pledge not to take a job as a lobbyist or lawyer for ANY corporation for ten years after you leave Congress. The message will be a powerful one to the average American fed up with corrupt political hacks. Act like Honest Abe, not Fast Freddie -- and see what happens.And here are two bonus suggestions: Use what sense of humor you have and go after these candidates and their agenda with all the hilarious ridicule they deserve. And quit complaining about "the base" not doing enough to help you. You want help? Do something this week to earn it. I've offered five suggestions. I'm sure the rest of "the base" has a few more.
Smart Advertising Executive Gives Democrats A Lesson In Marketing
A friend of mine started a blog. This appears to be the first post. Yeah, he's pretty smart.
End Bush Billionaire Bailout
By Josh Weltman
If Democrats want to end the “Bush Tax Cuts” they should all start calling the program the "Bush Billionaire Bailout.”
Democrats have good ideas. Ending the the Bush Tax Cuts is a good idea. Letting the cuts expire would raise the tax rate 2% on the wealthiest Americans, people who make over 250K a year. Some even make over a billion. During a recession, when times are tough, asking the strongest to carry a bit more weight is a good idea. It should not be hard to sell. But Democrats are bad salesmen.
Time and time again, Democrats stand helplessly by and watch Republicans paint shitty ideas gold and sell the sparkling turds to the American public. Getting “Government off people’s backs,” ending the “Death Tax,” the “War on Terror,” are all proven bad ideas wrapped in great words that sell hard.
But Democrats don’t even know how to sell their good ideas. I don't know why. Maybe Democrats think their ideas are so good they'll sell themselves.
They won't.
Maybe they think selling will over simplify their nuanced elegant programs, plans and solutions.
It will. That's the point.
People don't want nuanced and elegant choices. People don’t even want good choices. People want easy choices. Good salesmen know this. Republicans know this. Democrats can’t seem to get it through their thick pointed heads.
Why, for example, if Democrats want to get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts, are they calling them the "Bush Tax Cuts." Who doesn’t like a “Tax Cut?” I like “Tax Cuts.” Every American likes a "Tax Cut." They are never going to sell Americans on ending a "Tax Cut."
Democrats control the White House, the House and the Senate, but what’s frustrating as hell is their unwillingness to take control the political debate. -- To sell their ideas.
They let Republican strategist control the debate. They let Fox News control the daily news cycle. And they let pollsters like Frank Luntz control the words used to frame ideas.
Democrats should take control of this one. And sell it hard. Get together and pull a Luntz. Rename the “Bush Tax Cuts” the "Bush Billionaire Bailout." -- Americans hate bailouts. You don’t need no high priced Washington pollster to tell you that. Try it. And listen to what people say.
It’ll sound like this.
A Billionaire Bailout! Are you serious! During a recession? With one in six Americans out of work! Republicans want to continue the "BUSH BILLIONAIRE BAILOUT!
No freaking way!
That Billionaire Bailout thing has got to stop! And anyone who wants to keep that Billionaire Bailout thing, they can take a hike too.
Listen Democrats. Hear that? Don’t it sound sweet? It’s the sound of Americans buying a good idea.
Are you sold?
About Health Care
We on the left apparently have 2 positions on the health care debate:
1. Pass it even though it sucks,
2. Vote no because the bill is not what anyone wants.
Obama ran on health care, and touted the public option as the only way to control costs. I think just about everyone who voted for Obama knew he was settling for a public option because single payer would never pass. Democrats aren't stupid; we are self-defeating.
As Obama and the Democrats caved on everything to the insane right, the left apparently realized they had no cojones, and they had better try to get whatever Republicans would let them have. They forgot that Republicans won't let them have anything. We have to fight for it. But Obama wanted bipartisanship. So we ended up with a year-long fight.
There were some Progressives in Congress who stood up to the nonsense and presented a united front in favor of a public option: Weiner, Kucinich, Grayson, among others. They were considered fringe, even though the left (among others) wants exactly what they want--universal health care--but we decided to settle for a public option.
That was our first mistake.
Now we find ourselves making the last of the Progressives cave into the debacle that has become the health care reform debate (there is no debate about the need, just who will profit). And it isn't reform. And Kucinich caved, just like the rest of them.
Yeah, yeah, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Well, what we have is not good, and what we will get is not good; it's just less bad. And that is what Kucinich and Grayson and Nader and all the rest have been saying. But they are too far out on the fringe (except they are not) to take seriously. Even though they are correct that this bill is a disaster. Mark my words, the insurance companies will find a way around most provisions, especially those that don't take effect for a couple years.
We are doomed, but at least a few folks who don't have health insurance now will get it (and they will pay, because it will be the law). In their minds, going to the ER was a much better deal, I am sure.
We know that America needs universal, single payer health care. We know it, but won't do it.
We know Bush, Cheney and the rest lied and tortured, but we won't prosecute.
We know they spied illegally and sent prisoners away to black sites for even worse torture, but we will do nothing.
We know the banks are stealing from us, but we will do nothing.
What is the point of living here? America, the greatest country in the world? You decide.
Kucinich should vote no. He said he would. But now he feels like he has to help Obama, or something. Voting for Obama is turning out to be something of a mistake. Would Hillary have been better? Probably. Oh hindsight.
I am so tired of Democrats trying to be reasonable. Reason is not what drives most people. We need less reason and more "vim and vigor," based on reason. We need to match Republican resolve. We need to fight with the same weapons, and reason is NOT a Republican weapon.
Democrats fucked this thing up. Now it's Hamsher v. Moulitsas. Hamsher is our conscience--she fights for what we need, deserve and actually want. Moulitsas is now, and I guess it's kind of funny, the establishment, arguing for what we can get.
We need to be both Firedogs and Kossaks.
Maybe Next time.
1. Pass it even though it sucks,
2. Vote no because the bill is not what anyone wants.
Obama ran on health care, and touted the public option as the only way to control costs. I think just about everyone who voted for Obama knew he was settling for a public option because single payer would never pass. Democrats aren't stupid; we are self-defeating.
As Obama and the Democrats caved on everything to the insane right, the left apparently realized they had no cojones, and they had better try to get whatever Republicans would let them have. They forgot that Republicans won't let them have anything. We have to fight for it. But Obama wanted bipartisanship. So we ended up with a year-long fight.
There were some Progressives in Congress who stood up to the nonsense and presented a united front in favor of a public option: Weiner, Kucinich, Grayson, among others. They were considered fringe, even though the left (among others) wants exactly what they want--universal health care--but we decided to settle for a public option.
That was our first mistake.
Now we find ourselves making the last of the Progressives cave into the debacle that has become the health care reform debate (there is no debate about the need, just who will profit). And it isn't reform. And Kucinich caved, just like the rest of them.
Yeah, yeah, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Well, what we have is not good, and what we will get is not good; it's just less bad. And that is what Kucinich and Grayson and Nader and all the rest have been saying. But they are too far out on the fringe (except they are not) to take seriously. Even though they are correct that this bill is a disaster. Mark my words, the insurance companies will find a way around most provisions, especially those that don't take effect for a couple years.
We are doomed, but at least a few folks who don't have health insurance now will get it (and they will pay, because it will be the law). In their minds, going to the ER was a much better deal, I am sure.
We know that America needs universal, single payer health care. We know it, but won't do it.
We know Bush, Cheney and the rest lied and tortured, but we won't prosecute.
We know they spied illegally and sent prisoners away to black sites for even worse torture, but we will do nothing.
We know the banks are stealing from us, but we will do nothing.
What is the point of living here? America, the greatest country in the world? You decide.
Kucinich should vote no. He said he would. But now he feels like he has to help Obama, or something. Voting for Obama is turning out to be something of a mistake. Would Hillary have been better? Probably. Oh hindsight.
I am so tired of Democrats trying to be reasonable. Reason is not what drives most people. We need less reason and more "vim and vigor," based on reason. We need to match Republican resolve. We need to fight with the same weapons, and reason is NOT a Republican weapon.
Democrats fucked this thing up. Now it's Hamsher v. Moulitsas. Hamsher is our conscience--she fights for what we need, deserve and actually want. Moulitsas is now, and I guess it's kind of funny, the establishment, arguing for what we can get.
We need to be both Firedogs and Kossaks.
Maybe Next time.
Obama Seeks Lowest Common Denominator
From Drew Westen at HuffPo:
...Somehow the president has managed to turn a base of new and progressive voters he himself energized like no one else could in 2008 into the likely stay-at-home voters of 2010, souring an entire generation of young people to the political process. It isn't hard for them to see that the winners seem to be the same no matter who the voters select (Wall Street, big oil, big Pharma, the insurance industry). In fact, the president's leadership style, combined with the Democratic Congress's penchant for making its sausage in public and producing new and usually more tasteless recipes every day, has had a very high toll far from the left: smack in the center of the political spectrum.h/t DWT
What's costing the president and courting danger for Democrats in 2010 isn't a question of left or right, because the president has accomplished the remarkable feat of both demoralizing the base and completely turning off voters in the center. If this were an ideological issue, that would not be the case. He would be holding either the middle or the left, not losing both.
What's costing the president are three things: a laissez faire style of leadership that appears weak and removed to everyday Americans, a failure to articulate and defend any coherent ideological position on virtually anything, and a widespread perception that he cares more about special interests like bank, credit card, oil and coal, and health and pharmaceutical companies than he does about the people they are shafting...
Let Joe Go
Yes, I watch Countdown. I saw Sherrod Brown talking last night and he mentioned retribution and punishment. His mention was one of 'worry about it later' because we have a chance to pass massive health care reform. Well, what would we have had without this smarmy bastard?
So I post this most cogent and brief piece from Lawyers, Guns and Money:
So I post this most cogent and brief piece from Lawyers, Guns and Money:
I will concede that at the time the decision was made, we didn't know whether the decision to let Joe Lieberman keep his chairmanship was a good idea or not. Well, at this point we know it was a disaster, and surely relieving him of his perks has become a no-brainer. This isn't a question of balancing a desire for revenge against the pragmatic interests of the party. Continuing to reward people who double-cross you and continuing to trust people who have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can't be trusted is just bad strategy.
Ted Sorenson On JFK
JFK died from an assassin's bullet 46 years ago today. Ted Sorenson writes at The Washington Note how JFK would perceive America today.
He would be gratified that the little daughter whom he adored had grown into a brilliant author, mother, and keeper of his flame; but disappointed that the Democratic Party, which he led and cherished, had become virtually as dependent as its opponents upon what Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex" for campaign contributions, and the lobbying pressures that accompany them.More at Ted's link.
He would be disappointed, even astounded, that, despite his assassination and the crushing blows that followed - the assassinations of his brother Robert and his friend Dr. King, as well as the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan - this country is still awash in handguns easily available to terrorists, the criminally inclined, and the mentally impaired.
Alan Grayson: "I Will NOT Apologize"
Again, praises to my new Progressive hero, Alan Grayson. He will not back down, and I applaud him. In fact, I credit him with moving us toward an actual debate about health care in this country. If we get a public option, Grayson will deserve his own Nobel!
Fight fire with fire, and all that....
Fight fire with fire, and all that....
My New Progressive Hero
Finally. A Democrat who is a liberal, and smart enough to not only hold his own, but spout the Right's favorite Saffirism right back in their smug faces. Even James Carville is publicly impressed.
Do a YouTube search for Representative Alan Grayson; this is not even the most impressive thing he's done. He is a Harvard educated lawyer (with honors!) and economist. He is no slouch. He deserves a serious look, as I think he may have what it takes to mobilize Progressives and get the change we actually voted for.
Alan Grayson, freshman congressman from Orlando, Florida. My new hero. You can donate some money to him here.
Dems Have Ideas (Not Much Else)
Bob Reich nails it. Democrats can't even seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! Here is a fine example:
I suppose I'm as guilty as anyone. A few weeks ago I casually mentioned in a web conversation on Politico's web page that if supporters of universal health care and a "public option" felt their voices were not being heard in our nation's capital they should march on Washington. A few moments later, when someone wrote in asking when, I glanced at a calendar and in a burst of unreflective enthusiasm offered September 13. I didn't check with anyone, didn't strategize with progressive groups that have been working on health care for years, barely checked in with myself.
I was deluged with emails. Many people said they were planning to march. Someone put up a web page, another a Facebook page, a member of Congress announced his support. But most people said they couldn't manage September 13. It was too soon. It conflicted with other events. It followed too closely behind a right-wing march against health care reform already scheduled for September 12. It was a day AFL leaders were out of town, so couldn't lend their support. Many who emailed me wanted another day -- September 20, or the 27th, or early October. Others said they'd rather march on their state capital, in order that local media cover it. When I finally checked in with the heads of several progressive groups and unions in Washington -- all with big mailing lists and the resources to organize a big march -- they said they were already planning a march, for October. But they still haven't given me a date. (I will pass it on as soon as I hear.)
Bill Moyers Blames Democrats
Correctly placing blame is hard, unless you are Bill Moyers. In this clip Moyers explains to a rather stunned Maher how Democrats are as guilty a Republicans. For everything.
Got Electricity? Thank A Progressive
DWT has a review of a book by Mick Lux, The Progressive Revolution which apparently illuminates the differences between progressives and conservatives. I haven't read it, but I am sure it's great.
The part that struck me is below.
Update: You can find proof of the preceding by reading this, which tries to understand what Pat Boone is saying.
The part that struck me is below.
It isn't as though conservatives, by nature the defenders of the status quo and of the wealthy and powerful, don't have adequate representation. It's called the Republican Party and soon after the demise of Abraham Lincoln it sold its progressive soul to the industrialist robber barons and southern racists and transformed itself into a bulwark against change. Among the changes conservatives have opposed-- usually hysterically, warning about the end of civilization and the family and religion, were:Thank a progressive!
• The American Revolution
• The Bill of Rights and the forging of a democracy
• Universal white male suffrage
• Public education
• The emancipation of the slaves
• The national park system
• Food safety
• The breakup of monopolies
• The Homestead Act
• Land grant universities
• Rural electrification
• Women’s suffrage
• The abolition of child labor
• The eight hour workday
• The minimum wage
• Social Security
• Civil rights for minorities and women
• Voting rights for minorities and the poor
• Cleaning up our air, our water, and toxic dump sites
• Consumer product safety
• Medicare and Medicaid
"Every single one of those reforms," explains Lux, "which are literally the reforms that made this country what it is today, was accomplished by the progressive movement standing up to the fierce opposition of conservative reactionaries who were trying to preserve their own power. American history is one long argument between progressivism and conservatism."
Update: You can find proof of the preceding by reading this, which tries to understand what Pat Boone is saying.
More Rick Warren/Obama Anger: Updated
TNR's Damon Linker has a post up regaling the Warren pick to give the invocation at the inauguration:
Update:Obama's Response:
He almost convinced me; but, alas, he didn't. You?
Nicely DoneLot's of pissed off progressives are leaving comments. Wandrycer1, another of my favorite commenters, left this in response:
I completely understand why Andrew is upset by Obama's choice to have Rick Warren deliver the inaugural invocation. As Andrew points out, Warren sides with Christian orthodoxy in opposing gay marriage, and he has refrained from condemning the Bush administration's policy on torture. Both of those are major issues for Andrew.
But Obama's a politician, and the Warren pick is just the latest sign that he's an exceedingly shrewd one (as Andrew concedes). Warren is beloved by mainstream evangelicals, who have helped him to sell millions of books extolling a fairly anodyne form of American Protestantism. (Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell he is not.) It is in Obama's interest (and the Democrats') to peel as many moderate evangelicals away from the GOP as he can. Giving Warren such a prominent (but purely symbolic) place in the inauguration is a politically cost-free way of furthering this partisan agenda. (As for whether having Warren deliver the invocation is an example of "Christianism," I'd only note that Obama didn't start the tradition of including prayers in these civic occasions. And his own speech is guaranteed to be more restrained in this regard than others have been.)
Now, Andrew might be right that Obama will not prove to be a champion of gay civil rights (at least when it comes to the issue of marriage). But we can be absolutely sure that no presidential candidate of the current Republican Party would be anything other than a rabid opponent of these rights. And that means: What benefits Obama and the Democrats -- and what harms the Republicans -- contributes (if perhaps only negatively) to Andrew's cause. And that should be what counts.
I hate having this reduced down to that tired left/right media packaging. It's not that simple - there's an excellent libertarian and even Republican case against bigotry - government has no business in the marriage business for ANY reason, no business making policy based on religious doctrines, let alone those based on bigotry (see, Bill of Rights, Constitution, equal protection, etc). The left certainly doesn't have the market cornered on right and wrong.Damon Linker is a putz. Wandrycer1 speaks for me, and many of my friends. We worked hard to get Obama elected, and now he kicks us in the teeth. Rick Warren is useless politically--or was, until he became the guy giving the invocation (let's not talk about how stoopid it is to even have an invocation). Now, if Obama were to do the right thing and uninvite Warren, he will feel the pain. We're stuck with it now. Well, Barack, so are you!
But they do have the right idea in this case on Constitutionality, civil liberties and moral authority. It's not just "left" that thinks this, it's human beings across all political spectrums.
Everyone, especially women - is getting their piece of the Obama as Savior pie it seems. Everyone except gays and liberals of course - and Obama owes them so much. They started the Obama fire, built it when no one else was, No one worked harder for Obama that LGBT folks.
Now with this loathsome, bigoted man speaking for Obama at a sacred time, LGBT folk aren't just getting kicked to the curb. They are getting kicked in the teeth. Why, so Obama can boot lick to the crazies? Change we can believe in my arse! He's just like all the other Dem spineless boobs in the Senate.
Pardon my french but *uck the "good politics" idea, I challenge that concept. Having the first black President - a former civil rights attorney no less - insult a feverishly devoted constituency (although not anymore), he just shows he stands for nothing in the end and will betray and slap a friend across the face without a second thought. Perhaps Obama never really did stand for anything, fine. Just take your yes we can and put it where the sun don't shine.
I canceled my trip to DC for his swearing in, its not much, but I will not be a place celebrating a historic achievement over bigotry while a bigot blesses him. Its too much.[I fixed a couple typos]
Update:Obama's Response:
He almost convinced me; but, alas, he didn't. You?
Senate Candidate #5
SC#5 is Jesse Jackson Jr. What a scandal! Looks like Illinois Democrats should all just resign. Horrible! At least Obama has a history of staying away from these scum. That is how people apparently think of Obama--above the fray, ethical, clearly not involved in this nonsense. But still, oy vey!
Update: Seems JJ has been an informant for the FBI against Blago for a long time. I suppose JJ is in the clear now, and poised to become Governor of Illinois!
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