
Friday Bonus Cartoon Fun Bonus: Pig Newton Edition

Friday Bonus Cartoon Fun: American Export Edition

Friday Cartoon Fun: Apologies To Jim Henson Edition


We Are The 99.99% (More Accurate Figure)

Wednesday Bonus Cartoon Bonus Fun: Bad News, Officer Edition

Wednesday Bonus Cartoon Fun: Religion Vs Science Flowchart Edition

Wednesday Cartoon Fun: Out Of Context Edition


UC General Strike Called For November 28

... As such, I propose that in light of the upcoming Regents’ vote on Monday the 28th, (which will be occurring on four campuses simultaneously, one of which being UC Davis), that we call for a general strike this same day, with the aim of shutting down campuses across the state and preventing the Regents from holding their vote.

In response to the intolerable effects privatization and austerity and the horrific repression of student dissent that has occurred throughout the last month, the GA, as a governing body of all concerned UC Davis students, will prevent the Board of Regents from continuing its unbridled assault upon higher education in the state of California.

This will entail total campus participation in shutting down the operations of the university on the 28th, including teaching, working, learning, and transportation, as we will collectively divert our efforts to blocking their vote[s]. In doing so students, faculty and workers assert the power—and the will—to effectively represent and manage ourselves.
Occupy UC Davis


UC Regents Chair Makes Excuses: They Had Credible Information Regarding Thugs, Or Something

This is Sherry Lansing, movie mogul and Chair of UC Board of Regents. She also seems fine with allowing those responsible for the horrible decision to deploy the cops to remain employed. I think, the fact that these creeps have yet to ensure that their cops will NOT be using pepper spray in the future is grounds for our demands for resignation.

So, Katehi, Birgeneau, Yudof and now Lansing all need to go.

from here

Tents Are Protected Speech

I've heard from a couple folks that if the Occupy Movement becomes associated with the symbol of a tent then tents become protected speech.

Well, who knows. I say we assume it's true.


Chancellor Katehi Admits UC Davis Is Unsafe For Students (Updated)

Watch from 13:42 for about a 45 seconds (it starts here* at 13:42 for your convenience). Go on. Watch it.

Did you watch it?

You heard her. She said the campus may be unsafe for some students because, as we have seen in the past, you never know if it (it? the protest, I guess, as a whole) will remain peaceful or if "students will get hurt." Did I get that quote right? Isn't that what she said at 14:14? I think so.

The students will get hurt. Not might. Will. And nobody else will get hurt. Just students. And why might those students get hurt? Because the police feel threatened.

Sorry. She's gotta go.

Update: * I forgot the link to the video that starts at 13:42. It's there now.

Sunday Cartoon Fun: The Graph Of Greed Edition

The Activists

Sunday Lulz Fun With Lieutenant John Pike

More here.

Economic Mobility Project Finds Poverty Worse For American Kids

Crita Final

Sunday Cartoon Fun: What Do You Stand For? Edition

The Greatest Song Ever Written About Colors

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