Mottos Of Some Police Departments, Updated
- Carabineros de Chile: Orden y Patria (Latin: Order and Fatherland)
- Chicago Police Department: We Serve and Protect
- Detroit Police Department: Making Detroit a Safer Place to Live, Work, and Visit
- Los Angeles Airport Police: Serving the Aviation Community
- Los Angeles Police Department: To Protect and to Serve
- Maine State Police: Semper Aequus (Latin: Always Just)
- Minneapolis Police Department: To Protect with Courage, To Serve with Compassion
- New South Wales Police: Culpam Poena Premit Comes (Latin: Punishment Follows Close on Guilt)
- New York Police Department: Fidelis ad Mortem (Latin: Faithful until Death)
- Philadelphia Police Department: Honor, Integrity, Service
- Prince Georges county Fire & EMS: Keepin it Safe
- Queensland Police: With Honour We Serve
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Maintiens le droit (French: We maintain the Right / Uphold the law)
- San Francisco Police Department: Oro en Paz/Hierro en Guerra (Spanish: ''Gold in Peace, Iron in War)
- Thames Valley Police: Sit pax in valle tamesis (Latin: Let there be peace in the Thames Valley)
- Trinity House: Trinitas in unitate (Latin: United in the Trinity)
- Veterans Affairs Police: Protecting Those Who Served
University of California: Fiat Lux (Latin: Let there be light.)
Quote Of The Day: Nathan Brown, Nontenured UC Davis Asst. Professor
Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. KatehiRead the whole letter via the h/t Nathan Brown, (nontenured) Assistant Professor, UC Davis
Linda P.B. Katehi,
I am a junior faculty member at UC Davis. I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, and I teach in the Program in Critical Theory and in Science & Technology Studies. I have a strong record of research, teaching, and service. I am currently a Board Member of the Davis Faculty Association. I have also taken an active role in supporting the student movement to defend public education on our campus and throughout the UC system. In a word: I am the sort of young faculty member, like many of my colleagues, this campus needs. I am an asset to the University of California at Davis.
You are not.
Enough With The Police Brutality
I mean, seriously.
The next time they might not get their moment of peace. People are getting pissed, and hurt, and more pissed.
The chief says the
Who do you serve, cops?
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