

Do You Like Grapes?

From American Rights At Work, via my cousin:
Dear Friend,

If you've ever bought table grapes for yourself or your family, I think you need to know this...

Right now Giumarra Vineyard Corporation's - the country's leading table grape company - is forcing California farmworkers to endure humiliations and abuse I really didn't think still existed in this country.

They've forced workers to "race" through searing 100 degree heat to see who can pick the most grapes - and then fired the "losers." Their foremen scream at workers to produce more and give them unpaid "time-outs" if they dare to question supervisors. They deny workers water, shade, and breaks. Already two workers have died of heat-related causes in their fields.

These California farmworkers have been trying to fight back by forming a union, but they need help from the public to demand real change from Giumarra.

I just signed a petition to Giumarra demanding better treatment for these workers. Would you join me by signing the petition today?

You can read more and sign the petition by clicking the link below.

Thanks so much for helping me speak out for workers rights. Your help means a great deal to me!