

The Edublogoshpere Is Not Happy

Another edublogger, in Oakland, Ca, has been writing about the takeover of Oakland's schools. It's been going on for a while, and should be complete in 20 years or so. Anyway, The Perimeter Primate wrote about how it feels to be taken over by moneyed interests. I must snippetize:
If I was one of the billionaires, my educational reform life's work would have been to find the ways that would strengthen things that were weak, instead of trying so very, very hard to break everything, and everyone, down.
The public is being duped into all this. My principal even said today that she believes schools and teachers can close the achievement gap; that the gap does not exist due to poverty and the rest, and she and I just have a philosophical disagreement. No, it is not philosophical. It is factual. She is wrong about the decline of scores (as was Obama) and she is wrong when she thinks she can get teachers to close the gap while she sits in her office tying things. THINGS. Go help a teacher! She is a fucking principal!

Pull your kids out of public school before they are privatized. Find a public school teacher you respect and offer to fund a private school for them. Get out before the whole thing is ruined!